Sunday of the Word of God

Mark your calendar for January 21 as the annual Sunday of the Word of God observance, with retired Bishop Ronald Gainer on-site to celebrate 10:30 a.m. Mass.


In his Apostolic Letter Aperuit Illis issued September 30, 2019, Pope Francis established that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be observed as Sunday of the Word of God. It is a day to be devoted to “celebration, study, and spreading of the Word of God.“  Pope Francis is inviting Catholics across the world to deepen their appreciation, love and faithful witness to God and his Word.


This year, the Sunday of the Word of God falls on January 21. According to the Holy Father, “…We must listen to God’s word, and then, in the moments that follow, ask, “Lord, what does this text say to me? What is it about my life that you want to change by this text? What troubles me about this text?  Or perhaps:  What do I find pleasant in this text? What is it about this word that moves me?”


This year’s theme of the Sunday of the Word of God is “Remain in My Word.” A small working group at St. Francis has provided resources for this observance, and they can be found here: We are blessed to have Bishop Gainer join us for 10:30 Mass. Hope you can join us!


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